Sunday 29 April 2012

That's 'Plane' Engineering

Most of my Engineering years have been spent on-'line'. So I decided to narrate a few more analogies with the help of geometry this time.

1.When you decide to read half the total chapters and your friend studies the other half, and you have an agreement of co-operation at the time of exam, even the 'psssch' call from your friend would be caught by the supervisor. FYI, he/she can be 'super-unwise-arse' exactly at the wrong moment. Reason:

Pythagoras was right.

Hypotenuse IS the longest side of the triangle.    

OPPOSITE RAYS signify the direction of attention
As most of us suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder depending on how boring the lecture is, the scenario when a prof asks, "Why are you talking, tell me, what was I teaching?", the actual answer on our minds is, "see, even you can't recollect what you were teaching? And you're asking me!"

3.                                                                                                   4.
Timepass : Study :: 95 : 5                                                             It's all about the point of view!



Sunday 8 April 2012

Theory of Relativity

What Engineering students scream at Newton, Maxwell, Einstein and all those whose contribution lead us to a life of 'could-have-been-more-human'-hood (No offence to Salman Khan or Taylor Lautner),
Do hell with your orders! Do hell with your laws!

A little head's up:
This post is a partial meditation equivalent. Whilst our eyes and brain coordinate for the process of 'reading and interpreting' through electrical signals in our body, we shall project our anger and frustration due to engineering on skewing the theory of relativity around the axis of our daily routine engineering life, thereby venting out trapped anxiety which may help in relaxing. Not guaranteed though. Like Engineering student's decision, MUST STICK TO WIKIPEDIA. Like every Engineering student's answer, NEED NOT MAKE SENSE.

In terms of Special relativity

Relativity of simultaneity
Ask a difficult doubt during some lecture and also tell your friend from 1st bench (die a bit inside, you have a friend who occupyies 1st bench). Note the variations in reaction: "Sit down! Don't interrupt during my lecture." and "I'll get back to you about it in the next lecture."

Time dilation: Moving clocks are measured to tick more slowly than an observer's "stationary" clock.
When a dull lecture is being delivered by a stationary, 'kitna pakayega saale' Professor, the wanderings of a student's mind cause motion which makes the clock tick at a slower pace.

Length contraction: Objects are measured to be shortened with respect to the observer.
Write a full leaf answer in the exam for 10 marks. Ask the professor why it got assessed as 5.

Mass–energy equivalence: Energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable.
Engineering workshops. A huge amount of mental and physical energy gets transmuted into crapload of mass.

Maximum speed is finite: No physical object, message or field line can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.
The diagonal conversations inside the exam hall during exam are more likely to get caught.

In terms of General relativity

Clocks run more slowly in deeper gravitational wells. This is called gravitational time dilation.
Try standing in front of the Principal whilst he talks to your parents about how you managed to sneak into friend's class, made disturbing noises during the lecture, asked valid doubts that the teacher could not answer and also marked attendance. It is the gravity of the situation that lengthens the time.

WhatsApp yoour friend or open facebook account when computer lab practicals are in session, hiding behind a table/friend/desktop. Light bends and the lab conductor catches you. It also reflects the effects of gravity changes due to new allocation of your stars.

Rotating masses "drag along" the spacetime around them; a phenomenon termed "frame-dragging".
Observe any overrated bimbo from your college. Hence, proved.
Note: These could also possess the quality of dragging along the masses around them in case they're termed 'Prom Queen'.

The Universe is expanding, and the far parts of it are moving away from us faster than the speed of light.
'Hell yeah!'-ishly obvious. This is Engineering from Mumbai University. Given a chance, who wouldn't run farther away!

A random observation:
If we believe in the equation for force of attraction, G*m1*m2/(r^2),
1. Everyone within 2m radius has to have a negligible mass.
2. The heaviest guys/girls must know some VooDoo to still manage to look HAWT!